A new textbook by Partners of our Law Firm. Professor Adam Brzozowski and Professor Wojciech Kocot, Partners of our Law Firm, and Wiesław Opalski, Ph.D., an associate, are the authors of a textbook titled Prawo Rzeczowe. Zarys wykładu (Law of Real Property. An Outline), the second edition of which has just been published by the Wolters Kluwer publishing company.

Professor Adam Brzozowski and Professor Wojciech Kocot also co-authored textbooks on the general part of civil law, on the general part of obligations law, and the detailed part of obligations law..

The Prawo rzeczowe. Zarys wykładu textbook is a result of experience gathered by its authors during many years of teaching students and practicing law.

The civil law is the law applied on a daily basis, and the real property law is one of its most important sections. The textbook presents in a systematized and detailed way the most important concepts of real property law – ownership, perpetual usufruct, limited rights in things (including amongst others the legal forms of debt collateralization – lien, mortgage), problems related to land and mortgage registers, protection of ownership and possession.

The publication is intended for students of law, postgraduate students of law, management and administration, and for practicing lawyers, including trainee attorneys-at-law, judges, prosecutors and counsels.